Individual Therapy
Relationship Coaching
Wellness Courses
Individual Therapy
Relationship Coaching
Wellness Courses
Uploaded by A Sound Mind on 2019-08-03.
Getting our needs met is important in order to be happy in both our personal and professional lives. This skill teaches how to ask for what we want or say no to unwanted requests from others skillfully, in a way that improves our relationships. Use this exercise to work through a situation where you asked for something or said no to something.
Asking for what you need and saying no assertively (DEAR MAN)
What did you want to ask for or say no to?
Step 1: (D) Describe the situation that you are reacting to. Stick to the facts and use nonjudgmental statements.
Step 2: (E) Express how you feel about the situation.
Step 3: (A) Ask for what you want or clearly say no.
Step 4: (R) Reinforce your position before the other person responds by describing the benefits of getting what you want.
Step 5: (M) Be mindful and stay focused on your goals. Don’t get distracted by other topics.
Step 6: (A) Appear confident in voice tone and body posture.
Step 7: (N) Be willing to negotiate and find a middle-ground solution with the other person. Be willing to make concessions.
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