Individual Therapy
Relationship Coaching
Wellness Courses
Individual Therapy
Relationship Coaching
Wellness Courses
Prior To Your Appearance On The Podcast, Please Complete This “Guest Agreement” Form
First Name
Last Name
Which social media handle (Instagram, Twitter, etc.) would you like us to use? Please write it below. If you don't have one or don't wish to provide this information, please simply write "N/A"
In the past, our guests have engaged in discussions on the following: Dating, Relationships, Marriage, Mental Health, Mindset, Purpose, and much more. However, you're welcomed to discuss other topics of your choosing.
Which topic would you like to discuss? Please write them below: (If your chosen topic(s) is not in alignment with the show's mission and format, we may ask you to make another selection)
Topic/Discussion Point #1
Topic/Discussion Point #2
Topic/Discussion Point #3
What topic(s) do you NOT want to discuss on the podcast? (If any)
How would you like us to introduce you to our audience? (expertise, passion, interests, purpose, or anything that is important to you)
If you have any notable appearances (Radio, Television, Film, Magazine Article, Etc.), please list them below:
If you are part of the "Beard" or "Curls" revolution, how long have you been rocking that look? (Use the drop down menu to make your selection)
0-1 Year
2-5 years
6-9 years
10+ years
Not Applicable
If you have a "Beard" or "Curls", are you willing to rock that look during your podcast episode? (Use the drop down menu to make your selection)
Not Applicable
VERY IMPORTANT: Prior to your appearance on our podcast, please provide us with a high-quality headshot or photo that is NOT cropped/cut-off on top or on the sides. By that, I mean a picture where you are centered within the square. Therefore, your head, arms, or shoulders aren’t cropped/cut-off in any way. Please email the photo(s) to
Additional questions, thoughts, concerns, etc.?
Terms of agreement
By completing this form and checking off this box, I acknowledge that my appearance on Beard N Curls is strictly voluntary. Likewise, I acknowledge and agree that my podcast episode is the intellectual property of Beard N Curls. Therefore, the content from my podcast episode may/can appear on any and all platforms owned and operated by Beard N Curls such as Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc.
Thank you for completing this form. We look forward to having you on our show.