Relationship Coaching



  • Years in Professional Coaching: 4 Years

  • School: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in (The Netherlands), M.S. / Saxion Hogeschool Enschede (The Netherlands), B.S.

  • Year Graduated: 2009


Do You Lack Emotional Intelligence (EQ)? Find Out Below:

You quickly blame other people for your problems or errors.

You don’t take feedback well, getting defensive or shutting down when certain comments are offered.

You get impatient and frustrated when you think others don’t understand you or appreciate what you are saying.

You don’t forgive people easily.

You are quick to judge people for who they are, what they wear, what they say, or what they do based on what you think is right and best.

You are very selective with whom you will spend time and share your thoughts with.

You give your opinions early in a conversation and hold on to them no matter what anyone says.

You constantly declare that you don’t care if people like you or not.

You think emotions are overrated and it doesn’t matter what other people feel.

You quickly challenge new ideas that might impact your work.

Behaviors That Demonstrate Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

√   Resilience and flexibility

√   Listening and accepting

√   Forgiving

√   Taking personal responsibility

√   Seeking other points of view

√   Understand, accept, and able to explain your emotional reactions

√   Staying calm under pressure

√   Using emotions appropriately to both inspire and make others feel comfortable

√   Admitting and learning from mistakes

√   Taking feedback with ease

√   Body language matches words

How I Can Help You Improve Your Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

If we haven’t met yet, Hi, I’m Vania Dieujuste. I’m a Certified Relationship Coach and Change Management Specialist. I specialize in working with men and women who struggle with inflexible behavior, rigid thinking, expression, communication, etc., which causes them to encounter difficulties at school or at work, or experience problems in their relationship with their family or partner.

As a person whose strength is to recognize, understand and manage emotions, one of the ways I help my clients overcome their struggles is to increase their self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management in order to better understand their own emotions, control their emotions, gauge how other people feel, and be open to other people’s feelings.

Nothing is ever black or white. With this understanding in mind, I will ask thoughtful questions, use various scenarios in order to create the proper context when discussing your presenting concerns.

If you consciously choose how you want to feel and act, you can inspire those around you to feel the same way, increasing productivity and creativity along with your own peace of mind.



  • Individual Coaching

  • Couples Coaching


  • Not Accepting Insurance At This Time


  • Self-awareness. This is the ability to label, recognize, and understand your own emotions.

  • Emotional regulation. Emotional regulation has to do with our ability to control strong emotions by not acting on raw feelings in an impulsive or destructive manner.

  • Empathy

  • Social skills


  • Adults


  • English

  • Spanish

  • Dutch

  • Portuguese


According to the International Coach Federation (ICF), coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires clients to maximize their personal and professional potential.

Don’t go it alone!

BOOK your FREE Consultation TODAY to get started!